Timuthut ee’! — Try harder!
Timuthut ee’! — Try harder!
sht’es kws t’ut’athut tst, ’uwu kws hwq’uywulh-s ’uwu te’ hun’utus, tl’lim’ ’uw’ q’awuthut.
This is how we trained—no one would ever complain or get tired, and we used all our strength.
thimat p’e’ kw’us teti’ mustimuhw, ’uwu ’uw’ tl’uhwla’usus ’ul’ .
The paddlers were important, as it’s not just a pastime.
’uwu ch ’uw’ sht’eewun’uhw ’ul’, “a-a-a kweyul tse’ kwunus nem’ t’a’thut.”
You can’t just think, “Ah, I’ll practice tomorrow.”
skw’e-e-ey kw’us tuw’ s’um’mut.
You mustn’t be lazy.
ha’ tse’ s-hwu’iw’s tthun’ mustimuhw suw’ s-hwu’iw’s tthun’ snuhwulh.
If your body is very alert, your canoe will also be alert.
st’e ’uw’ niihw ’amust ’u tthun’ swe’ ’un’ s-huli.
It’s just like you give it your soul.
ha’ kwu’elh hulithat tthun’ snuwhulh ’i’ tl’lim’ ’uw’ ts’unum.
So when your canoe comes to life, it will really shake.
’i ch ’ula’ulh kwun’et tthun’ sq’umul’ st’e-e ’u tu’inulh ni-i-i st’ulut’in’—
When you’re on the canoe holding your paddle, lined up like this—
’i’ wulh ts’unum tthun’ snuhwulh st’e ’uw’ niis wulh ’al’mutsun’, ni’ wulh hulithut.
and your canoe is shaking, just like it’s waiting, and it comes alive.
Willie Seymour — Sxweltun