Our Thanks
Thanks for helping us get the canoe project in the water
Kevin Baetscher
Arvid Charlie
Wayne Paige and the Cowichan Bay Canoe Club
Marlene Rice
Mike Wyse and all the Island Brave Canoe Club
Paul Wyse-Seward
Thanks for sharing knowledge and enthusiasm
Laura Antoine
Sonya Charlie
Carol Louie
Harvey George
Terri George
Stuart Pagaduan
John Seymour
Merle Seymour
Claudia Sylvester
Darlene Sylvester
Dolly Sylvester
Technical Assistance, Editing
Thank you to Peter Baer, Essa Gierc, Michelle Parent, Carolyn Ruttan, Charles Ulrich
Funding was provided by:
Canadian Heritage
First Peoples’ Cultural Council
Jacobs Research Fund
This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Our Partners
Coast Salish Employment & Training Society
Thank you to Fran Peter, Bruce Underwood
Cowichan Valley School District 79
Thank you to Denise Augustine, Donna Beardsley, Kristi Clifton, Dan Norman
Nanaimo Ladysmith School District 68
Thank you to Verna Jones and Laura Tait
Simon Fraser University, Department of Linguistics
Thank you to Rita Parmar, Tom Perry
Thank you to Sheila Cooper, Sharon Hobenshield, June Karstad