hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum: ’ula’ulh ’utl’ Flaming Star – On board the Flaming Star

’ula’ulh ’utl’ Flaming Star On board the Flaming Star Come along for a ride as the paddlers in the Flaming Star Canoe Club go for their evening practice. Flaming Star, 11-man canoe, paddlers are: Janelle Paige, Shane Sylvester, Brandan Price, Dallas Paige, Nikita Cenname, Kyla Price,     Jodi Paige, Sophia Elliott, Victor Washington, Hilda Paige, Kevin Paige. Little Rich,

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hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum Exhibit: Opening

Click/tap on the audio file below to play:   ’aa sii’em’ nu siiye’yu, hay tseep q’u kwun’s ’ilup m’i ’ewu ’u tun’a kweyul. My dear friends, thank you for coming today. ’uy’ shqwaluwuns tthu Quw’utsun’ kwus lumnuhwus tthu siiye’yus. The Cowichan people are happy to see their relatives. nan tst kwu’elh ’uw’ tsii’uta’lu kwun’s ’ilup m’i tetsul ’u tun’a kweyul.

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hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum Exhibit: snuw’uyulh

    mukw’ kwthu ni’ hwstey mustimuhw ’i’ skw’ey kws hwq’uywulhs kwsuw’ hwun’a’s ’ul’ ni’ q’a’thut ’i’ thut-stum, “timut ch kwu’elh tthun’ shqwaluwun. timut tthun’ smustimuhw. kw’am’kw’um’stuhw tthun’ sqwaluwun.”   All the ones that become canoe pullers can’t complain when they first join the team and they are told that they have to become strong-minded and physically strong.   ’amustum

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hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum Exhibit: Calling all

tutul’een’ut tthu mustimuhw         Informing the People Calling all Click/tap on the audio files below to play:   wulh saay’ tthu ’uwatul. The race is going to start. ’i tst ’a’ut tthu munchies. We are calling the munchies. sma’muluqw mixed suw’wuyqe’ men slhunlheni’ /kloochman ladies hwun’un’uts’a’ singles hwyusyey’sul’u doubles yut’uxum’ sixes ’apun ’i’ kw’ nuts’a’ teyuwulh elevens   Lining Up ya’thut

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hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum Exhibit: Closing

Click/tap on the audio below to play: ’a-a-a sii’em’ nu siiye’yu, tthu lhwulup ni’ ’aamust tthu qe’is teti’ ’u tthu snuw’uyulh, ni’ tseep ’aamust ’u kwthu hay ’ul’ xe’xe’ shqwaluwun, hw’iiw’tsust ’u kwthu ni’ sht’es kwthu teti’. hay tseep q’u. Aah, my friends and relatives, those of you that are teaching the new canoe pullers the cultural traditions, you are giving

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tthu hwsteli hwulmuhw |Coast Salish Canoe Pullers

Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives Duncan Train Station Hours (June–September) 10-4; Admission by Donation Contact: (250) 746-6612 cvmuseum.archives@shaw.ca http://www.cowichanvalleymuseum.bc.ca/ In collaboration with Hul’q’umi’num’ Language and Culture Collective, the Cowichan Valley Museum & Archives presents a new summer exhibit: tthu hwsteli hwulmuhw | Coast Salish Canoe Pullers Featuring words, sound, and videos in Hul’q’umi’num’ from the Elders and language teachers, the exhibit explores the

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