Hup! Hoo!
Hup! Hoo!
ts’uhwle’ ’i’ ni’ ch hwiinem’ut kwthu ni’ yu’ishul’ “hup! hoo-oo-oo!”
nilh ni’ yuts’ets’uw’ut, kws qul’ets tuw’ hwuxwum tthu snuhwulh.
ni’ ch st’e ’uw’ niis yuts’ets’uw’ut tthuw’ mukw’ tthu ni’ yu’i’shul’
kwus hwunuts’umats tthu shqwaluwuns ’eelhtun kws yutitum’uthut.
tsukwul’etus kwthu snuhwulh ni’ yuw’en’, t’ut’a’thut kwsus tl’hwutus kwthu ni’ yuw’en’.
Sometimes when they are paddling, someone will go “Hup! Hoo!
This aids the canoe to get going fast, helping all those who are paddling to come together all of one mind strengthening the pressure.
Sometimes they are trying to beat the canoe ahead of them.
Wayne Charlie — Pulxwuletse’
Kwa’mutsun, Quw’utsun’