Going to the Races

hwuy’qwul’ulh ‘ferry’
shle’lumul’s ‘binoculars’
shxuxaatth’ustun ‘camera’
tuw’tuw’uluquptsus ‘cell phone’
t’un’uthut ‘line up’


(1) ‘uwu ch me’mul’quhw ‘u lhun’ shxuxaatth’usun’uq.
‘Don’t forget your camera.’
(2) ‘uwu ch me’mul’quhw ‘u lhun’ shle’lumul’s.
‘Don’t forget your binoculars.’
(3) nem’ tst ‘aalh ‘u tthu hwuy’qwul’ulh ‘u kw’ tahw skweyul.
‘We’ll take the noon ferry.’
(4) nem’ tst t’un’uthut ‘u kwthu shhw’aalhs kwthu hwuy’qwul’ulh.
‘We’re going to line up to board the ferry.’
(5) ni’ tst tse’ almutst lhu hwuy’qwul’ulh.
‘We have to wait for the ferry.’
(6) ta’ult tthun’ hul’q’umi’num’ kwun’s ni’ ‘almutsun ‘u tthu hwuy’qwul’ulh.
‘When you’re waiting for the ferry, study your Hul’q’umi’num’!’