hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum: ’ula’ulh ’utl’ Flaming Star – On board the Flaming Star

’ula’ulh ’utl’ Flaming Star
On board the Flaming Star

Come along for a ride as the paddlers in the Flaming Star Canoe Club go for their evening practice.
Flaming Star, 11-man canoe, paddlers are:
Janelle Paige, Shane Sylvester, Brandan Price, Dallas Paige, Nikita Cenname, Kyla Price,     Jodi Paige, Sophia Elliott, Victor Washington, Hilda Paige, Kevin Paige.
Little Rich, 6-man canoe, paddlers are:
Carleen August, Shane Sylvester, Marika Tommy, Leslie Paige, Hilda Paige, Kevin Paige.
Canoe owners and videography by Kevin Paige and Wayne Paige, Jr.
Thanks to Shannon Joe for video editing.


ni’ tst yu xi’xlhe’mut tthu ni’ yu ’i’shul’.
We are watching the ones paddling.

ni’ thextus kwthu tsitsulh tselush.
They are pushing with their top hand.

hay tthu tl’itl’up ni’ hwkw’atus.
And on the bottom they are pulling.

ni’ sul’ts’us kwus hwu’alum’ qul’et ’ushul.
They circle to the front to paddle again.

tskw’ush ’i’ kw’ xu’athun kws yu ’i’shul’s ’eelhtun.
They do 24 strokes.

yu ha’kwushus kwthu tsitsulh smustimuhws.
They use their upper bodies.

Wayne Charlie — Pulxwuletse’ Kwa’mutsun, Quw’utsun’