hwsteli hwulmuhw – Cowichan Valley Museum Exhibit: snuw’uyulh
mukw’ kwthu ni’ hwstey mustimuhw ’i’ skw’ey kws hwq’uywulhs kwsuw’ hwun’a’s ’ul’ ni’ q’a’thut ’i’ thut-stum, “timut ch kwu’elh tthun’ shqwaluwun. timut tthun’ smustimuhw. kw’am’kw’um’stuhw tthun’ sqwaluwun.”
All the ones that become canoe pullers can’t complain when they first join the team and they are told that they have to become strong-minded and physically strong.
’amustum ’u kwthu snuw’uyulh xwte’ ’u tthu snuhwulh, xwte’ ’u kwthu sq’umul’s kwthu ni’ sht’es. yuthustum, tthu snuhwulh ’i’ xpey’ lhwulup ni’ ’a’ulh, lhwulup tse’ hulit tthu snuhwulh, hwayt. nilh kwthun’ swe’ ’un’ shqwaluwun ’uw’ niihw kw’am’kw’am’stuhw ’i’ ni’ tse’ hwukw’am’kw’um’ kwthun’ snuhwulh. qux ni’ s’amustewut ’u kwthu ni’ hw’iw’tssun’uq.
They are given the teachings about different kinds of canoes and paddles. They are told about the teachings of the cedar tree. The leader would say that those of you that that are on the canoe are the ones that are bringing the canoe to life, waking it up. It is your decision to make your canoe become strong. Many teachings are given to the young people.
— Ruby Peter Sti’tum’at